Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A fun weekend!

This past weekend, I stayed in New Orleans with Michelle and the kids. Jon came in town too! We Started off our Saturday by going to Madison's last soccer game of the spring season. Her team did such a good job with team work and passing the ball. Maddie even got to be a goalie!! 

After the game, Jon and I took Madison and Blake to eat at Cici's pizza. We all ate a ton! After lunch, we went to the park to watch the ducks and play!

After the park, we went to run some errands. I finally got a much needed shelf! Jon and Blake built it for me. While the boys were building, Madison and I went to the grocery store. When we got there, we saw the Weenie Mobile!! Maddie even got a weenie whistle and a sticker!

My New Shelf!

Silly Buddy!

Day 4

Day 5

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Buddy's Back!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Happy 2nd Birthday, Hayes!!

Last Sunday, Hayes had his birthday party for his second birthday at the Little Gym. Everyone seemed to have a great time! Hayes LOVED the balance beam and ball time! The theme of the party was "construction". Jon and I gave him a big coloring book with truck crayons. He is such a sweet boy and I hope he enjoyed his special day!!

Opening the gift from Jon and Me.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Highland Nights 2012

Last night, Jon and I went to Highland Nights in Baton Rouge. There were about 30 shops that participated. Each shop had a local artist displaying their works. We saw some really neat pieces! Each place we went to served wine, cheese, sandwiches, cookies, and more. Some shops even had live music playing outside! The cool thing about Highland Nights was that so many of the places that participated, I have never heard of! I learned there is a shop that does super cheap monogramming (maybe my new go to place!) Also, there was a yoga place that offers great student deals. Max fitness (Jon's Gym) participated too! There was a bridal shop, hair salon, spa, bank, restaurants, a grocery store, a lamp shop, dentist's office... and the list goes on! To get to the opposite ends of highland, they had a Boogie Bus! It was a lot of fun to ride on! It was a great night with some great weather!!
Riding The Boogie Bus!


Better late than never... haha! The day before Halloween, I went with Michelle to St. Elizabeth for Madison's class Halloween Party. Madison made cupcakes, played bingo, pin the hat on the witch, and made spider suckers. She seemed to have a lot of fun with her friends! 
For Halloween night, I was with Michelle and Patrick in NOLA. Michelle, Andre', Patrick, and I took Madison, Blake, and Elizabeth Trick-or-Treating. We had a really nice time at Linda's and Bob's house. Mrs. Linda made 2 kinds of soups and delicious treats! She also ordered pizzas! We really had a nice night!
Maddie making a cupcake

Playing B.I.N.G.O.

Making spider suckers with Mommy

Blake and his friend



Me with Michelle and Andre'

My Frank Cake!

Pat and Bud as Batman!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Last day of student teaching for Kindergarten

Today was my last day at Nelson Charter School in New Orleans! It was a very crazy and exciting day, because it is also Halloween!
Mrs. Morgan's Kindergarten Class

My thank you gift for Mrs. Morgan

My gift to Mrs. Morgan's class

The Halloween worksheets that I made for the kids. 
I recomend this website to any teacher! It is called